Amount: The grant subsidizes 100% of the cost of Kritik student licenses which is equivalent to $29 per student per semester.
Duration: The grant is valid for 1 semester /term only.
Eligibility: The instructor must demonstrate the following criteria:
✔ Is teaching a course in a private, community or technical college.
✔ Will use Kritik for at least 4 activities in the course that contributes to at least 10% of the overall student's grade.
✔ Is teaching a cohort of 12 students or more.
Selection: The grant is accessible by invite only to select educators interested in implementing peer learning through peer assessment and peer feedback. Availability is limited, and selection is based on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you know an Educator who is passionate about pedagogical innovation and can benefit from this grant, please use this
referral form.